Living for today - Saving for tomorrow
We get it. It’s not always easy. We understand that you want to enjoy life, and there’s loads of things out there that want your money, but please don’t forget about tomorrow.
It may be a long way to go but starting early, even if it’s only a small amount will go a long way to helping you in the future.
Why do you need to save for the future?
We’ve got to be realistic about the future. The State Pension is unlikely to be enough to give you the life you want to live in retirement, so your pension account is important. We can expect to work for 30 to 40 years and we may live for the same length of time after we stop working. Your working life fuels the life you lead in retirement.
Now that may sound bleak, but the reality is that we all want to have a happy retirement. Saving while you’re working gives you a much better chance of living the life you want in retirement. And that’s where your pension comes in.