Equities are shares in a company. Historically, equities have outperformed less risky investments, such as bank accounts and bonds over a period of time. If you’re a long way away from retirement, the default position is to invest in these funds to make the most of the potentially higher returns. However, equities are more risky funds and the value of your pension account can go down as well as up.
What are equity funds?
Equity funds tend to focus their investment on different geographic locations, sectors or industries as a way of diversifying, or spreading risk. There are a number of different types of equity funds, each with their own characteristics and level of risk. Equity funds can be generally split into the following categories:
Developed markets: These are the countries that are thought to be the most economically developed and therefore less risky.
Emerging markets: These are the countries that are less economically developed and are more risky. However, they may offer the greatest potential for growth as their economies grow.