Other ways to increase the size of your pension account 

Pay more

If you want to pay more, log on to the online portal to find out how make changes to what you pay. Please note, you may have to contact your payroll/HR department to change how much you pay into Atlas.

You can pay in as much as you want up to certain limits.

The annual allowance (AA) is a limit on the total amount you and your employer can put in your pension account in a single year without additional tax consequences. The AA is currently £60,000 a year so there will be many people who will not be affected by it.

If you find you’re over the limit, you may be able to carry over unused AA from the previous three tax years.

As few people are likely to be affected by the AA, we’ve only set out the basics of how it works. For further information, click here.

If you think you may be hitting the limit for the AA, please speak to a financial adviser. Click here for details of how to find an independent financial adviser (IFA).

Transferring your other pensions into Atlas

If you have other pensions with other companies, you could transfer them into Atlas. Then all your pensions will be under one roof and it’ll be easier for you to look after them.

If your other pensions are in defined benefit (DB) schemes, you may not be able to transfer them, but most defined contribution (DC) pensions, which build up money in the same way as Atlas, can be transferred into your pension account.

Deciding whether it’s best to transfer can be tricky, so you should consider taking financial advice first.

Click here for details of how to find an independent financial adviser (IFA). If you would like to transfer a pension to Atlas please contact the team by clicking here.


How you invest your contributions will affect the size of your pension account. Click here to find out more about your investments and how they work.

How can you plan your savings?

Make a list of the things that you already do in your everyday life and the things you want to do. What’s important? What’s not? Work out what you must pay for, what you feel you need and what’s nice to have. By doing this you can see what money you have spare to pay towards your future. Click here to launch our budget planner.

It’s important to get the balance right. By contributing to your pension account, you benefit from your employer’s contributions – extra money you wouldn’t get otherwise – and build up a bigger pension. Just make sure you’re only paying what you can afford. 

You can find plenty of information from the Money Advice Service on financial wellness and the steps you can take to help ease any money worries you have or may have about the future.

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